Monasticism In Sir Gawain

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Key Words: Monasticism; order/structure; strict codes; chivalry/strict code of conduct • Concern for order • STRUCTURE – defines their purpose in life (gives them a strong sense of purpose), as well as clarifying their responsibilities – live a virtuous life? • Set of rules which all needed to follow; moral obligation to serve the “lord” in valor (courage/bravery) or faith • Follow a chain of command; respect for authority (Abbott and King of the court) • Establishes commitment within a community (religious or court/chivalric code) • ? powers used to tempt or destroy o The Green Knight – the beheading game; Lady Bertilak at the castle (3 temptations/seductions) o Rule of St. Benedict (Prologue lines 17?) Show similarities: Does Sir Gawain…show more content…
Humility (Chapter 7) 3. Peace/faithfulness (Chapter 6) “let peace be your quest and your aim” a. Sir Gawain: conceals information (the gift green girdle), but ultimately confesses/repents his sin and proves to be an honorable man Medieval era: Religion filled every aspect of a person’s life Spirituality for daily life Gawain – devoted to God? Chivalric culture: moral, religious and social code of knights during this time • As a knight (warrior) • Be faithful to God 1. Description of his shield (623 – 629) what’s painted inside (648 – 650) Link between monastery and court – places where show respect and are courteous? Latter half of fourteenth century (Middle English Literature) The Rule of St Benedict – an important written spiritual document (Catholic?) written during the 6th century I. Implementing these rules brought stability to the community a. Chivalry b. Humility – “the first degree of humility is prompt obedience” i. Sir Gawain accepts challenge (354 -361) demonstrates adherence to code of chivalry “I am the weakest…” Sir Gawain and the Green Knight written 14th century? • Sir Gawain – a knight in King Arthur’s court • Gawain’s key characteristic his adherence to the codes of conduct encompassed by…show more content…
– towards the end of the book) “"But your girdle," quoth Gawain, "God reward you for it That will I keep with good will; not for the precious gold, nor the samite nor the silk, nor the wide pendants, for its wealth nor for its beauty nor for its fine work; but in sign of my fault I shall behold it oft; when I ride in renown I shall lament to myself the fault and the deceit of the crabbed flesh, how tender it is to catch stains of filth; and thus when pride shall prick me for prowess of arms, a look on this love-lace shall moderate my

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