Consumer Perception In The Textile Industry

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CHAPTER: 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC BROAD AREA OF THE STUDY Consumer awareness of covering the customer the impression that awareness and consciousness about the company or its products. Customer perception is usually affected by advertising, reviews, public relations, social media, personal experiences and other channels. Perception is broader. It is a complex process, and the fact that a person in which to stimulate the surrounding tissue and has a meaning to it. Perception describes three steps, namely, complex and dynamic interactions selection, organization and interpretation. The sense organs reporting package flashy colors in the form of changes in human cognitive thinking and other organizations around its information…show more content…
• To identify the major player in the Textile industry. • To make SWOT Analysis of L T Karle Pvt Ltd 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The project aims to let us out of the classroom into the real world of business / competitors, markets, managers and customers. For me, it opened the way into the experience. The ultimate goal of this research is enormous real significance. Physically and in fact, it shows the company and my potential.  range of factors contribute to the project, which affect customer behavior reference.  The range is such that the study has been by taking samples from different regions, which describes the overall picture were. Existing customer base  get different standards will be used to generate on a sufficient dynamic for an overview of the company's results.  The study can take decisions in order to improve customer acquisition and service methods useful for reference.  The project also helps to understand how to organize work in a real environment in different market conditions. 1.5 METHODOLOGY ADOPTED DATA SOURCE: Primary…show more content…
Purpose of the study is to analyze the Indian textile and apparel industry, its structural problems, market access barriers and took the Indian government to strengthen the competitiveness of measuring post-industrial - Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) era. The study also evaluated the potential and opportunities of trade and investment in India's textile and clothing market, US companies in India into a more liberal and transparent trade regime. For the purpose of study it is to complete exploratory study completed in-depth interviews with government officials in textile Export Promotion Council, the Ministry of Education. 101 Textile, Cotton Council of India, Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC), the Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Handloom Export Promotion Council, Madras Chamber of Commerce, South India Textile Research Association, almost all of senior management of large textile mill in

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