
Page 6 of 31 - About 308 essays
  • Pot Surgeon Ad Analysis Essay

    838 Words  | 4 Pages

    effect of smoking marijuana? Partnership for a Drug-Free America’s “Pot Surgeon” is an advertisement made in the 1980’s that targets the negative aspects of the use of marijuana. The advertisement has a lot of debatable components that can make its purpose a tad bit obscure, which is why I have chosen to analyze it. The “Pot Surgeon” demonstrates that the writers want to scare the viewers who use and are for the legalization of marijuana to be against the legalization of marijuana. The writers use

  • Fate Of Cannabis Persuasive Speech

    1561 Words  | 7 Pages

    you to spend your entire life using marijuana but I’m asking you to improve America as a whole. Natural plants and remedies were always a source of medicine for thousands of years. Since the dawn of time in fact. Many drugs we take today come from plant extracts and chemicals produced by plants. Majority of most pain killers the world come from opioid plants. Yet thousands of diseases can’t be cured by plants. So why not cure the ones that can. Medical marijuana is used

  • B Gateway-Drug Theory

    302 Words  | 2 Pages

    recreational gateway drug. A gateway drug is a one that serves as a bridge to the use of significantly more dangerous drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. Even New Jersey’s Governor, Chris Christie, in a state that supports medical marijuana use, continues to refer to marijuana as a gateway drug. Proponents of the gateway-drug theory are of the belief that drugs such as cannabis cause a chemical desensitization, making its users crave and seek out harsher substances. Studies have been performed that

  • Competency Assignment Analysis

    508 Words  | 3 Pages

    I appreciate your efforts to draft the first part of your competency assignment. You seem to have provided an interesting account of marijuana history and I learned a great deal from what you have presented. With this said, the paper is underdeveloped and requires revisions if you want to do well on the final competency assignment. I have provided copious feedback and suggestions on your draft but will summarize here the main points below. First, your paper would benefit from reorganization

  • Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Drugs

    811 Words  | 4 Pages

    he drug is a medicine or a substance involving habituations and addiction which cause toxic state taking long-term use. In addition, drug possesses powerful alleviation of pain and anesthesia effect. There are many different drug laws around the world. Both Jamaica and Portugal decriminalized the possession of any drug. On the other hand, Uruguay made the drug legal to grow, consume and sell the plant. Furthermore, the United States and Columbia allowed a portion of drugs for medical purposes. The

  • Student Substance Abuse

    1046 Words  | 5 Pages

    has caused regret through my life the last few years. So, it was one of the first basketball games of the season, our team, was just beginning to play well and my friends and I were excited for the game. One of my friends suggested that smoking marijuana before the game, which would have been exciting on its own,

  • Merton's Societal Goals Summary

    481 Words  | 2 Pages

    The reason he said he was doing it was to help his wife, who has breast cancer, recover. Even though, he had enough marijuana plants to distribute 30 pounds. At the time, medical marijuana was not approved and they may have not had access to medical necessities to care for his wife. Medical accessibility is looked at as a societal goal because it is necessary and often times, unaffordable to minorities

  • Summary: The Beatles First Smoke

    466 Words  | 2 Pages

    First Smoke Sesh 50 Years Ago The Beatles met up with Bob Dylan and mutual journalist friend Al Aronowitz at The Delmonico Hotel after playing a show at the Forest Hills Tennis Stadium in New York on August 28th 1964. Dylan and Aronowitz brought marijuana and an unbeknownst to Dylan, introduced the Fab Four to Mary Jane for the first time. Dylan had incorrectly thought that lyrics from Beatles tunes such as “I Want To Hold Your Hand” were sung, “and when I touch you I get high, I get high” when actually

  • Ethical Issues In Criminal Justice

    1408 Words  | 6 Pages

    necessary of a dire need of immediate attention include the disparity in the treatment of that of a police officer who has been involved in a fatality versus someone who has been involved in a fatality who is not related to law enforcement. Secondly, marijuana has been legalized in many states. However, individuals having those charges have yet to have them vacated. In situations that involve police officers who have killed someone the process of handling the matter is tremendously different from an individual

  • Research Paper On Drugs In High School

    517 Words  | 3 Pages

    Drugs in High School Over the years, there have been consistent problems with drugs in American high schools. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS), approximately half of all high school students will abuse at least one illicit drug by the time they graduate. Keep reading to learn why teens experiment with drugs and what the latest statisticsare for teenage substance abuse. Why Teens Try Drugs