Workplace Performance Case Study

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Abstract This paper explores different research and theory to validate the findings on the network of interacting factors that may influence student’s workplace performance. The analysis includes the idea of multifactorial causation of behavior such as situational factors and personal factors that may impact student’s behavior towards work. The analysis also includes self-awareness through self-reflection, to examine student’s daily routines such as work, study and daily activities in order to provide better insight. Introduction Why it is that sometimes at work, employees will go on an extra mile to achieve their goals while at other times they only do their work to bare the minimum? How does work factors, personal factors or situational…show more content…
Personally as a young working adult that works full time and studies at night, it is rather challenging to stay alert throughout the day and study at night without sufficient rest. Hence I tend to consume one to three cups of espresso in the day in order to let myself function. However it affects my sleep as I find difficulty in falling asleep with ease at night especially when I am under pressure due to work and studies. As a consequence, sometimes I would wake up feeling grumpy and I do not feel motivated to go to work. According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, the study suggests that being in a good mood is beneficial because it enhance creativity and problem solving (Association for Psychological Science, 2010). Negative mood puts a person in a bad mood because it impairs decision making, they may feel fatigue hence influence their job satisfaction the next…show more content…
The motivating factors are the intrinsic factors such as sense of achievement, recognition and growth. On the other hand, maintenance factors were necessary to achieve the motivating factors. Absence of these factors can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of motivation. Examples include extrinsic factors such as salary, job security, benefits and relationships with managers and co-workers. This theory implies that for a productive work performance, both motivating and maintenance factors has to be improved (Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman,

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