Cross Cultural Training Literature Review

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The literature for review to be collected from secondary sources such as magazines, articles, reports, budgets, newspaper etc to highlight the problems and findings of the study done by various research and business professionals to understand the significance of the training in the companies. The objectives of the proposed topic have to be formulated based on the previous study by the research professionals. Approximately ten to fifteen reviews are to be collected and presented in my project report. “People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It doesn’t make any difference whether the products is cell phones or cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps.” --Anil Ambani The employees training function provides…show more content…
While this literature contains many insights, most studies have methodological weaknesses which make it impossible to take as definitive the general consensus of the literature that such training is effective. This article attempts four tasks. First, it aims to dissaggregate the concept of intercultural training such that statements made about the effectiveness of training relate as precisely as possible to specific kinds of training, a desideratum which is often absent in the literature. Second, several criteria for reliable empirical research on the effectiveness of cross-cultural training are itemized. Third, the strength and weaknesses of the major studies to date on the issue are reviewed. And finally, an outline of the requisites for a more definitive empirical study, which would attempt to measure the impact of inter cultural training on overseas performance, is…show more content…
and Pooja Purang (2015), examined the training needs identification and evaluation process by developing a case studies on the training needs identifications and evaluation system in 6 different Indian Organizations and them comparing it with the available models proposed by the various researchers in Western and Indian Context. The study also proposed to critically evaluate the various studies done and models developed in both Western and Indian context to arrive and proposed a comprehensive model of training needs identification and evaluation. Ford and Baldwin (2015) studied that transfer of training was a paramount concern for the training researchers and practioners. The purpose of this paper was to provide a critique of the existing transfer research and to suggest directions for future research investigations. The condition of transfer includes both the generalization of learned material to the job and the maintenance of trained skills over a period of time on the job. The existing research examined the effects of training, design, trainee, and work environment factors an condition of transfer was reviewed and

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