Why Is Drug Testing Ethical

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The term ‘drug testing’ refers to the process of obtaining samples of body fluids or tissues (for example, urine, blood, hair, breath) from job applicants and employees and conducting laboratory analyses to detect the presence of certain drugs, including alcohol, and their metabolites, (Hanson,1993). Drug testing in the workplace policy differs from organization to organization. Employers have their own requirements as far as implementing drug testing policies in organizations. Most employers implement such policies in order to maintain a drug-free work environment. It is mandatory though that organizations who require their employees to be tested for illegal substances, administer a written policy regarding drug testing. Such an act, does not only ensure that an organization is following regulatory guidelines, but also enlightens employees regarding the requirements for employment with the organization.…show more content…
Below is an in-depth look into drug testing in the workplace which constitutes an unacceptable invasion of the employees’ rights to privacy while putting into consideration that it might jeopardize employers’ work ethics. We will first look into the ethical reasons of the subject matter and then tackle the reasons why drug testing is unethical. Ethical reasons for Drug Testing in the Workplace According to Morland (1993), the range of testing in the workplace includes the following: Pre-employment testing Probable cause testing Reasonable suspicious
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