Persuasive Essay About Making Money Online

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Most people conclude that making money online is very difficult and it cannot be done without having computer skills, knowledge of programming, and marketing experience; however, there is a specific formula that lets you earn money online without any of those special skills. The most rich and successful online marketers are using this exact formula, or some variation of it to make handsome full-time livings online. In fact, the median salary for an Internet marketer is over $80,000 per year. In this article you will find the 5 key steps to take anyone from zero dollars online to regular and predictable money online. The five steps to making money online are as follows: 1. Pick a niche 2. Choose products to promote 3. Build the foundation 4. Give away something amazing for FREE 5. Build a relationship and make offers to your prospects Now, let's discuss each of these five steps in detail so you can get a better handle on what it really takes to make money online. Step 1: Pick a niche One of the most crucial things that beginners tend to get wrong is choosing the right niche or marketplace to build an audience. Most novice marketers will skim over this step which is the surest and fastest way to go broke when trying to make money online. Now, the important thing when choosing a marketplace is to do enough research…show more content…
Once you have put together a system for nurturing new leads, marketing products, have built a small one page website (more on that in step 3), and have learned which hooks to avoid, you can start to build your first product. Luckily, you can take advantage of a new business model very similar to affiliate marketing, but with a slight modification making it immensely more profitable. More on that in a moment but you can immediately take advantage of sites like ClickBank, JVZoo, Commission Junction, and thousands of other different affiliate

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