Women In The Vedic Era

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The premise of the Indian thought of right female conduct can be attracted to Manu 200 BC: “by a young girl, by a young woman, or even by an aged one, nothing must be done independent, even in her own house”. They are structured as a mate for men and men need to make her stroll with them sometime during life . India is an enhanced society where no misrepresentation could apply to the country's different local, religious, social and financial gatherings. In any case certain wide conditions in which Indian ladies live exasperate the way they contribute in the economy. A common denominator in their lives is that they are by and large limited to home with confined adaptability, and in seclusion. Other, unrecorded, various leveled practices put…show more content…
1.1.2. Position in Post-Vedic Period: In later vedic period with the classification of the society in caste hierarchy, a rigid social order was formed. The status of women suffered a setback in education was denied to women resulting in losing their equal status with men. This decline dates back to the period of Manusmiriti when it is stated that, "by a girl, by a young woman, or by an aged, nothing must be done independent even in her home". Thus women were completely attained a dependent status due to restriction imposed on women rights and privileges particularly denial of access to education. It cannot be clearly said that whether equal rights between men and women prevailed or not during the Vedic period. But available sources show that generous attitudes and practices relating to women did exist. Women were enthusiastically involved in religious and social matters. They had some freedom to choose their spouse in marriage and a widow was allowed to remarry…show more content…
In this period, education played a significant role for social change. The social reforms of the 19th century tried to use education to awaken the consciousness of the nation to the evils of child marriage, sati, Polygamy and enforced widowhood, dowry system etc. In this period, reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, M.G. Ranade etc., raised their voice against the sati, ill-treatment of widows, the ban on widow marriage, polygamy, child marriage, demand of property rights and education to women. The movement for national independence which drew a large number of women to political activity but also generated strength and confidence among women to improve their status by making prominent efforts in the field of education and health. The formation of the All Indian Women's Conference 1927, was a crucial event in women's march towards

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