Ap World History Chapter 4 Essay

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2.1 Religions strengthened political, economic, and cultural ties within societies by religions gave political order which allowed economic prosperity and cultural bonds. For example, Confucianism gave political governance by saying that only educated individuals could rule, emperors used religions to justify their reign (mandate of heaven in China). With political stability, the economy able to prosper. For example, after Augustus brought stability to Rome, the Pax Romana started. This allowed the building of roads, in turn allowing trade, creating economic prosperity. Religions provided cultural unity because they forced people to act in a certain way and believe in certain ideas. Also, they provided community bonds and moral codes. Religions led to the strengthening of political, economic, and cultural elements since they unified societies. 2.1.I Religions promoted unity because individuals of a certain religion had to practice the same beliefs, follow the same rules, and have the same mentality. This gave unity because individuals became similar to one another, causing unity between the individuals in the society. 2.1.I.A Judaism was the…show more content…
The goal of Buddhism was to reach nirvana, personal salvation. Because it required no social classes, it was easy to follow, used a vernacular language, nicely organized, and recognized holy sites, Buddhism became a popular religion. Its doctrine are the Four Noble Truths (desire=suffering) and Noble Eightfold Path (no desire= no suffering). Ashoka helped spread Buddhism to Ceylon, Bactria, central Asia, east Asia, and southeast Asia. In addition to Ashoka, the Silk Roads, sea lanes, and merchants helped spread Buddhism to China, central Asia, and southeast Asia. Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama in 500

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