Gender Poverty In India

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“Being born as a human is natural, but keeping our humanity is a matter of choice.” When we look at people, we must be able to look beyond their gender, race, caste and creed; we must see them as individuals, with a unique identity. Our nation is the largest democracy in the world with 1.25 billion residents living in an area spread over 3,287,590 km2 with 29 different states. It is the mystical land where practices from Kashmir to Kanyakumari or Gujarat to Assam are as different as two different countries. They have diverse cultures, languages, clothes, customs, distinct style of folk music, dance, and religion. People from Punjab are closer in terms of food and language to people from Pakistan than they are to South Indians, who are closer…show more content…
It has one of the highest adult illiteracy rate, according to the current Education for All Global Monitoring Report with 286 million illiterate adults. Overall literacy in males was 80.89%, whereas in females was just 64.64%, in 2011 census. According to a report in Indian Express gender disparity acts as a hindrance in achieving the goal of 100% literacy. On the health and survival disparity parameter India’s rank is the lowest at 142 and ranked 133 in the sex ratio by birth sub-index .The child sex ratio is optimum in East and South Indian states, but the problem is higher Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir .The derogatory ritual of female foeticide has claimed nearly 10 million lives in the country over the past two decades. Out of 12 million girls born in India, one million do not see their first…show more content…
In 2009, the Public Health Foundation of India, said that lack of awareness, inactive roles of authorities and ambiguity has resulted in an ineffective implementation. Giving or taking dowry is illegal since 1961.To stop cruelty by the husband or his relatives against the wife, section 498A and 198A were added to the Indian Penal and Criminal Procedure Code respectively in 1983. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 helps to reduce domestic violence. The law has seen criticism for having less force, turning it to a civil rather than criminal law. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India has focused on education and media to reach out. The Indian Medical Association Beti Bachao badges; conditional cash transfer and scholarships only available to girls, higher pension benefits to parents with only girl child, Ladli scheme, free education of only girl child at school level and nominal fees at the college level has encouraged parents to educate their

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