Role Of Women In Literature

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The role of women in literature is often quite wide in spectrum. With a decline in their status from the ancient to medieval times, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, the history of women in India has been eventful. People belonging to literature have always been an important part of the society and Indian women are not an exception. Women have been writing in India since 1000 B.C. Women during the early Vedic period enjoyed equal status with men in all aspects of life. In approximately 500 B.C., the status of women began to decline. The practice of child marriage is believed to have started around the sixth century. Indian women’s positon in society further deteriorate during the medieval period when child marriages and a…show more content…
Homosexuality is not considered as only a sin but also as a problem in itself. One could say that this aspect arises from two things; the first is that people are afraid of something new and the fear of that which one doesn’t understand, and which is, for whatever reason, frightening. The other is that God wishes for man to spread his seed. In societies where women are inferior to men, they are portrayed as weak victims to the moral corruption. Female oppression is a type of injustice. The division of labor between men and women is in itself an unequal or oppressive arrangement and only seems inevitable due to the difference in biology. Feminists fight against the oppression of women. Women have been unjustly held back from achieving full equality for much of human history in many societies around the world. This paper is divided into two sub-parts portraying the role of women in Lihaf, a short story by Ismat Chugtai and in Rebati, a short story by Fakir Mohan…show more content…
Ismat was born at a time when girls were discouraged from getting education. But she was a rebel right from her childhood and was more interested in the activities of boys than in the conventional pastimes of girls of her age. She insisted on pursuing her studying and joining a school but her parents refuse to allow her to stay in a hostel for studies. She almost threatened to run away from home and adopt Christianity as her religion.. Ismat Chughtai began her writing career with a radicalism striking at the very roots of society at a time when women writers wrote only in the romantic and sentimental strain. For her bold and rebellious writing, Ismat Chughtai has been in the eye of storm right from the beginning. In her work, Ismat Chughtai has successfully captured the disappearing world of Muslim middle class India, ‘hitting out ruthlessly at its hypocrisy, its hollow religiosity, its superstitions and ritualism, its contradictions and double
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