Classical Periodization

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Periodization Essay Through periodization, we can observe several continuities and more importantly, the dramatic changes between the ancient times (Paleolithic and Neolithic ages), and the classical era. Even though we have similarities between the two periods of time, there are many more differences that it can be referred to as a cataclysmic event as in history itself, has suffered much change throughout the centuries. It is imperative that we discern how we got to present time, by studying about the past and how we advanced to proceed further. The social structure grew more advanced in the classical era than it was in ancient times. They had a key continuity between them that developed soon after agriculture became a popular idea. In…show more content…
This was common in the early times of the classical era, as many people thought that they needed to appease the gods so they had good lives, or even good crops. The sun, water, and air were considered to be gods. Eventually, toward the end of the classical era, religions that were monotheistic arose, and did not necessarily deal with nature itself, but the thought of nature and life after death were ideas of those late religions. Daoists believed in a world ruled by divine magic, and with this wanted a harmonious life. Christians worshiped their messiah Jesus of Nazareth, and believed that there was a final judgment that ultimately decided the fate of a person. This religion, is a form of Zoroastrianism, which was created by Zoroaster in 630-550 B.C.E, and it shares several ideas. Buddhists worship their messiah, which is the original Buddha, which was Siddhartha Gautama. It taught truth within oneself in order to reach nirvana. There was also Islam, a powerful religion that arose around the classical period. Arabians wanted others to convert, that they attacked India under Allah, who was the supreme god monotheistic Islam. Many of these religions spread, Christianity, from Western Europe to eastern Asia, and Buddhism, becoming minority in India, went to eastern Asia. We can discern that religion, was kept simple in ancient times, and became to be important in the…show more content…
The ancient people could have traded items within groups or with others. This occurred between the Arabians and Wangara, in which the Arabians wanted gold, and Wangara salt. They traded within Ghana who ensured safety of trade and stayed economically healthy due to the trade. Even though Rome had currency, when they used up their gold to buy items from Asia, there was no currency for its citizens, and so they degenerated to a system of bartering. The change in the economy was the use of currency, and a system of trade, travel, and communication. A single currency was made for civilization, which of course was used to buy items and common things. When Rome fell, taxes rampaged on the people, and for protection they would pay their landlords to protect them. It had retained a social structure despite the fragmentary fall. A postal system was made, which would make communication between neighboring regions easier. There was also a road called the Silk Road, which was a series of cultural and transmission routes that was the center of cultural interaction between regions. It connected the east and the west by linking people who would usually travel on the Silk Road, such as traders and merchants, who would share items and technology with other regions, and as well as monks who would serve as missionaries to convert others into a specific faith. China would

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