Ancient India Research Paper

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Questions/Main ideas/topics NOTES: How was the classical civilization India? The Framework for Indian History: Geography and a Formative Period How has India’s geography and early historical experience shaped its civilization? What is India’s climate like? Formative period: Vedic and Epic Ages Aryans (Indo-European) How did the Aryans impact India? What are the levels in the Indian Caste System and how does it affect India? How has polytheism affected India and their religion? Patterns in Classical India Maurya dynasty What did the rulers of the Mauryan dynasty accomplish? How did Ashoka make an impact on the India subcontinent? How did the Kushans and Guptas impact the subcontinent?…show more content…
Political unity was made difficult because of the divisions made by economic diversity, racial and language differences. During the Vedic Age (1500 to 1000 BCE) agriculture extended from the Indus River Valley to the Ganges Valley, and during the Epic Age (1000 to 600 BCE) new stories came about. Aryans’ (Indo-European) ideas and social and family forms became influential. During the Vedic and Epic Ages the Indian Caste system was established to create a relationship between the Aryan conquerors and the indigenous people. There were five castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Uaisyas, Sudras, and the Untouchables. The people of India favored a polytheistic religion made up of gods and goddesses who regulated natural forces. At the end of the Epic Age Gautama Budha created the religion Buddhism. The Indians did have some dynasties; the more known one was the Maurya dynasty. During the dynasty much of the entire subcontinent was unified and the style of the government was autocratic. A ways after the Maurya dynasty came the Guptas dynasty in 320 CE, but was eventually overturned in 535 CE by an invasion of the Huns. Hinduism, a major religion on the India subcontinent, had no single founder or theory. This religion encouraged political and economic goals and worldly pleasures. Hinduism stresses reincarnation and the union with the soul of Brahma. Hinduism provided a basic ethic that helped to bring some unity to various forms of worship. India had other accomplishments as well, for example there were advances in medicine in bone setting and plastic surgery. Indian families were patriarchal and the family life emphasized the theme of hierarchy and tight organization. India influenced many others around the world and still continues to do this

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