Why I Want To Be A Doctor

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Ever since I was exposed to the natural sciences, I have held a special interest in the human body. I am highly aware of how much dedication and perseverance it takes a student of medicine to graduate and eventually pursue a career in the medical field. As being a doctor requires interaction with the surrounding environment, i have voluntarily participated in various campaigns inside Kuwait. Because”Success depends on a community of people working together” (Ryan), a quote I truly believe in, I became the leader of various projects during my school years. This passionate interest in medicine, however, is not the product of an innate desire or motive; it has stemmed from reasons related to where I grew up and who I grew up with. A doctor must be willing to experience an adventure everyday with hurdles he must be able to overcome.…show more content…
A student needs to be willing to make a change and dedicate his life to his education and learning. Being born into a family that is gushing with doctors and doctors-to-be, one being my mother, I am truly aware and acknowledge the stress and hard work it takes to become a doctor and achieve your dream of improving peoples’ lives to the better. I do realize that the journey is not over when the student graduates. The doctor must be able to tackle any obstacles he faces and always put the patients comfort first. I am a person who is willing to make a change, to help bring about better health conditions in my society. I have considered advancing my knowledge about hygiene and other concentrations through pursuing studies in medicine. Doing so would mean investing substantially in what I already know a lot about, that is, helping people improve their life’s

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