Essay On Why I Want To Be A Doctor

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Why medical is my field of choice? Why am I interested to be a doctor? The results of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations announced last 8 years really changed my life. My Parents expectation to see me successfully pursue my studies in medical does not happen. The ambition of being a doctor is just a dream. Soon after that, Calling to matriculation is also not acceptable, sadly sad to see friends to matriculation. The ruin of both parents' parents who are also disappointed are clearly seen when seeing their fellow children succeeding in pursuing foundation or matriculation studies. But not me. Shortly thereafter, I received the Offer to continue my Diploma studies at a local university (uitm) in quantitative science courses. At that…show more content…
Every experience cited as a stepping stone to self and challenging ourselves to achieve ideals as a doctor. Although a doctor's career is very challenging and requires a high level of mental, physical, and mental strength, I see it as something that can spur myself and strengthen my objective of life. During industrial training, I was placed in the surgical and medical ward for 6 weeks each. Various situations are experienced especially between the doctor and the patient, is an opportunity for me to gain the knowledge and time, have the opportunity to talk with the doctor about their careers as a doctor. On average, their career requires a great sacrifice and is not something that is easy. My placement as an industrial training student is an experience that gives me the opportunity to take a closer look at what actually happened at the hospital. I followed the ward round, assisted the nurse in the ward, and became a chaperone at the clinic, giving me an exposure to studying every illness and understanding the angle of treatment more closely. I found it so amazing and good exposure to me. In addition, I can also learn the patterns of communication with patients and doctors, making me a much more confident

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