Why I Want To Be A Doctor Essay

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WHY I WANT TO BECOME A PHYSICIAN The question of why I want to be a doctor has been a tough one for me, due to my reasons are unbounded. As a child, I have wanted to help people in any way I can. While growing up in my country-Nigeria, I saw how medical personnels ignored people’s health due to improper knowledge of how to attend to patients. Nigeria is a large country in West Africa Region and not much attention is being given to health, due to insufficient doctors. The doctor to patient ratio is sympathetic as at the moment it stands at 1: 1000 a day. This results in a high mortality rate among children and the aged. My passion to study medicine grew stronger day by day. It has made me appreciate life the more and respect the field. When I got into the Senior Secondary School, where I started my science…show more content…
With the poor equipped medical schools, has led me to want to pursue my dreams abroad. As I Further into medicine, I wish to specialize in cardiology. I want to be a cardiologist because the ratio of heart disease at the moment is 500: 1 in Nigeria. I met a doctor who advised me to take the field as a specialty because in Nigeria, we lack cardiologists. Though we have thousands of gynecologists and pediatricians in my country. Another most pressing issue, which makes me want to go to the field, is my father’s health. My father is a 62-year -old legal practitioner and a quantity surveyor by profession. He has been living as a hypertensive patient for a good 34 years of his life and has been on drugs. I can remember the year 2005, four days after he missed his drug, he collapsed it was not a fun experience. Ever since that day, my being pants for a total cure and searches for a way out. I do, want to go deep into medicine and hope a time will come when people have not to live on drugs the rest of their

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