Pride And Prejudice Literature Review

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Introduction The following review will be on the book of English writer, “messenger” of realism in British literature, a satirist, wrote the so-called novel of manners – Jane Austen, called “Pride and Prejudice”. Her books are recognized as masterpieces and conquer the sincerity and simplicity of the plot against the background of a deep psychological penetration into the souls of heroes and ironic, mild, truly "British" humour. Jane Austen is still considered the "First Lady" of English literature. Such factors as the Napoleonic wars, the War of Independence in North America and revolutions in England effect on her works. She led a lively correspondence with her brothers, who went to war with France. From the letters she received invaluable…show more content…
Thought it penetrates into the underlying causes of behaviour. Let us recall the emergence of Darcy at a ball, the attention to him of the whole society, not so much due to his appearance as the news of his income of ten thousand per a year. And the general goodwill towards Bingley (Netherfield Park House in London, four horses, five thousand annual income), passion garrison officers, revulsion felt Mrs. Bennet to Darcy, until she realized that he claims to be the hand of her daughter, her sudden enthusiasm and much more. With merciless irony shows Jane Austen society, thoughts and feelings are completely subordinate to financial…show more content…
“Pride and Prejudice” became a kind of model for me. The purity and elegance of style, brightness and vividness of performance, a keen understanding of mental life, personality, the clarity of the composition, especially the language of each character, all this combination creates an unusually complete a harmonious picture. It is impossible to imagine Darcy and Elizabeth as historical figures, they are perceived as our contemporaries. Most novels of Jane Austen considered as "female" literature. As the best example of the genre, perhaps because the main character are always a woman and it is a love story in the centre of the plot. Also there are great attention to details, which is characteristically to “female” literature. But, of course, the writers novels cannot be listed among romance novels. They are too complex and ambiguous for this, despite its apparent

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