Why I Never Give Up In A High School Basketball Team

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Participating in extracurricular activities throughout my adolescence has been crucial to the development of my character. I have learned valuable lessons throughout my involvement with sports that can't be taught in the classroom or read in a book. Being a part of a team has given me the opportunity to learn how to properly interact and be respectful of others. Being a part of a team requires commitment, responsibility and leadership, all of which can only be learned through personal experience. Joining a team demands commitment. A lot can happen during a season. My junior year I played for the school basketball team. This was the most strenuous season of basketball I have had and I wasn't alone. By the end of the season, three players had…show more content…
Despite disagreeing with some of my teammates actions and the way the basketball program had been run, quitting was not an option. I have grown to never give up on a sport and for this same motive I believe is why I never give up in the classroom. By the end of junior year I had finished my precalculus course with an overall grade of an eighty. Despite how challenging precalculus was for me, I was determined to take AP Calculus my senior of high school. I made this decision based on my experiences that I have had during sport seasons, more specifically on the seasons that have proved to be more challenging. Playing on a baseball team, basketball team and even running cross country has helped me become more responsible. I must be accountable for my actions, and be respectful of others. Showing up to practice fifteen minutes early, eating carbohydrate rich meals before game day and watching out for my teammates are just a few examples of how playing for a team has allowed me to become responsible on the field or court. Practicing habits like these directly translate to good habits inside the classroom. I have learned to hold myself accountable for preparing for tests, doing homework and staying focused during

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