Personal Narrative: Hurricane Katrina

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When asked to talk about an extenuating circumstance that has happened in my life, the first thing that always comes to mind is my first hand experience in Hurricane Katrina. This devastating storm came and struck my home city of New Orleans, Louisiana on August 29th 2005. It has now been ten years since then, but I can remember it like it was yesterday. Little did I know at the time that this storm would change the coming weeks of my then current life, but that it would greatly impact many situations in my imminent future. Growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana is something so unique that it never leaves you. From the parades, to the food, to the culture; its an epidemic that is deeply embedded in your soul. And to witness your way of life drown before…show more content…
I just wanted to go back home. Some more years passed and I began to accept that Austin, Texas would be my new second home. I slowly started to emerge from my depression and decided to give Austin, Texas a try. I began working for the Hyatt and made some friends that happened to attend The University of Texas at Austin. I quickly learned of the culture, and how important it was to be a longhorn and live in Austin,Texas. I also learned that they were virtually one in the same. I started to attend the live music shows and started to dive in to everything Austin had to offer. I was back to seeing the bright side and began focusing on my academic career once again. With the help of my new friends, family and a stabilizing of my thyroid condition; I eventually brought my G.P.A back up to good standing and am determined to finish my college career with honors. Even though Austin,Texas - (Elgin,Texas to be specific) - is my new away from home - I will never forget my experience and how it steams my determination for today. I will always tell my fellow Austinites that I may live in Austin but I will ALWAYS be a

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