Character Analysis Of Father Flynn In A Separate Peace

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The way that the critical lens comes into to play is that since Donald is an African-American the fact that Father Flynn was just helping Donald was not a thought that anyone had back then, but in the world today it could have been possible. The way that he was helping him was only by molesting him, but Flynn just wanted to help him out because he was the only person of African descent in the school and didn't want Donald to feel out of place. Father Flynn thought that Donald needed to have someone along his side while he was attending the school. The way that the social classes are at the school are different from what Donald is used to because his family his mother works two jobs to support him and his father, but other students in the school…show more content…
The character Paul is a young black man who appears to not have much. He is always getting himself into trouble, and ends up stabbing himself in order to scam some people. He shows up at an art dealers home named Flan Kittredge and his wife Ouisa, who live in overlooking Central Park in New York City. He said that he has been stabbed in an attempted mugging, and says that he is friends with their children at Harvard University. The Kittredges are trying to sell a Paul Cézanne painting and now have a wounded person that shows up randomly at their home. Paul claims that he is in New York to meet his father, who is directing a broadway film. Paul continues to charm them with his story, but in the end he is lying to them. He is not a Harvard student but got information on them from another male student he seduced. Eventually Paul uses their home for an encounter with a hustler, and is caught, but some how Paul escapes. Not to much sooner Paul starts up another con against a young man named Rick and his girlfriend Elizabeth. He then is in need of help and calls the Kittredges and despite what he did they still help him, but he turns himself…show more content…
Wilder uses a small old town in Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire and goes on talking about the people and what jobs they do around the town, just as an everyday basis. The way that Wilder wants people to see the drama is that he want people to realize that some people just take life one day at a time and don’t try to worry about days in the future they just worry about the day they have right in front of them. Wilder shows how the characters play a part of the drama rather than dramatic action. There are no conflicts that emerge that make people think that Grover’s Corner is different from life anywhere else in the world today. Wilder chooses to portray two families so that he can show people how these two families have the same similarities. Both of the families have the same number of people living in their house, and both women work in the garden, and both men have the same hobbies in studying the war. Wilder then uses the stage manager to separate the actors from the play. He uses flashbacks in order to describe how Emily and George meet and how they knew that they were in love along time ago and nothing would ruin their love for each other, then Wilder uses a flashforward to show how George and Emily explain to both of their parents

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