Describe Your Relationship With Jesus Christ Essay

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1. Briefly describe your relationship with Jesus Christ - your beginning with Him and your current relationship. a. Growing up in a Catholic family, I was taught to earn God's love and do the right thing. I always thought I wasn't nice enough, skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough. The people and ideas I surrounded myself with consistently reminded me of my failures. Instead of learning the truth about the Lord, I gave up. I decided to do life on my own which, to me, meant being the first person to jump at hosting parties and chasing the idea I had in my head about what high school should be like for me. b. Somehow, through this and other events, I never stopped going to Young Life. I believe it was God who kept me going to club each…show more content…
To me, Young Life is a second home. It is the place where I can go to be as silly as I want, while also furthering my walk in Christ. There is nothing like a Young Life club because of the love that pours out from each of the leaders. For so long, I didn’t understand what it was about the leaders that made them so special and different from other people I had met. I know now that it is the love they have for the Lord and for us. When you accept God into your heart, you will be transformed. They’re love for Him inspired me to find what they found and finally accept Him in my life. This is one of the many purposes of Young Life—to have a leader who can be your friend and guide you through this world learning more about God each day. Another purpose of Young Life is to give teenagers a place to come have fun with their friends and hear more about Jesus. One of the best things about the talks at Young Life club is that the leaders help relate the stories from the Bible to something high school kids can understand. That was one of the difference makers for me because I had heard the same stories over and over again but never understood them until I went to Young Life. When I heard them in a way I could comprehend, I began to understand more about

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