Why Do I Want To Study Abroad Essay

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“Vamos ir a South Padre.” I have heard this answer too many times in my young 19 years of life. Every year I ask my mom where we’re going for vacation and the answer is always the same. I don’t even know why I ask anymore. Each summer my whole family, including my extended family, goes on a three-day vacation to South Padre Island to go do the same thing we always do. I do not mind it too much because being with my cousins is always fun and they make the trip a little different every time and I know my parents are doing their best to be able to take us somewhere fun they can afford. However, I have always wanted to go somewhere new, experience something different, and see new people. I first heard about TAMIU’s study abroad programs during orientation. After I heard about the study abroad opportunities TAMIU had, I knew that I had to do anything in my power to go abroad. I won’t lie and say that the program I signed up for was my first choice. My first choice sadly got cancelled, but thankfully the second program did not. I will now be going to Paris to learn elementary French. I have always believed that learning as many languages…show more content…
This trip will be enough to complete the six credits I need to complete the study abroad/foreign language requirement I need. Not only that but learning a third language could really help me become much more resourceful. Learning a new language is useful in any type of work place. I will also help me get started on experiencing of talking to different kinds of people from a variety of backgrounds. I acknowledge that not everyone I work with will be the same and maybe going to a different country and talking to different people will prepare me for the future. Moreover, just the thought of going to another country brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. I have always dreamed of going to other places and now that dream is so close that it almost seems

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