Parental Involvement In Children's Education

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Factors that contribute to lack of parental involvement in foundation phase in the schools of Ngaka Modiri Molema. Introduction Parental involvement refers to the amount of work the parent puts towards their children ‘schooling Wanders (2005).Parental involvement in children's education is believed to be a major component of many school reforms especially in the foundation phase (Reynolds, 1992). This is because this is when learners need a lot of support from both teachers and parents because they are still young and fragile. For learners to succeed at higher grades they need a solid foundation, therefore it is important to help them and support them when they are still in the early grades of foundation phase to prevent challenges when they…show more content…
Many parents who are from places which have the high rate of crime do not have the time to be much involved in their children studies. This is because parents from such neighbourhoods are busy worried about how they can protect their children from danger. Furthermore, (Zill 1996) went on saying that family demographic can also influence parents’ involvement in their children’s education. For example, single parents are more likely to be absent in their children studies than married parents. The reason may be because they are alone without no partner to help them in raising the child. (Backer 1997) mention that the parent-teacher relationship can also influence the parental involvement in foundation phase. A foundation phase teacher should be a welcoming person towards both the learner and the parent. In that way a parent will not fear anything when going to school meetings, getting progress reports or just a visit. The parental involvement in the foundation phase is really a concerning issue which needs to be…show more content…
The parent needs to be involved on their children’s education especially in the foundation phase. This is because the learners are still in fond of their parents and they trust them more than everybody else because they have been spending most of their times with them. Parental involvement can help to understand their student’s socio-cultural context, thereby helping them to deliver more culturally appropriate educational services (Mendez 2002). If the teacher understands the cultural background of the learner it will be easy for them to understand the learner as well and their cultural needs. Unfortunately it is not all parents who are involved in their children studies, most of them are absent and that causes a lot of frustrations on the learner and the teacher. The teacher cannot understand the learner and the learner as well does not see the need to do well because there is no one supporting them on their studies. This will result in learners performing poorly on their studies. The absence of parents on their children’s’ studies is influenced by number of reasons, like the family demographics, the parent efficacy, the socio-economic status of parents and the parent-teacher relationship amongst

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