Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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In recent years, paying college athletes has become an extremely debatable topic. The National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, makes hundreds of millions of dollars every year on college athletics. Multiple collegiate athletes have stated that they believe that they are entitled to compensation because of the usage of their name; however, paying college athletes will create additional problems than it will solve. The majority of college athletes compete in divisions or sports that earn a minimal amount of money, or no money at all for their institution. Paying college athletes will result in the loss of amateurism and athletic scholarships in collegiate athletics, and the loss of post-eligibility benefits that former athletes are already entitled to. The NCAA divides each school into three divisions for athletics. Division One is the largest division, Division Two is the middle sized, and Division Three is the smallest. The majority of athletes that compete in collegiate sports make a minimal amount, or no money at all for the institution in which they attend (“Should the National Collegiate,” 2010, para.…show more content…
The NCAA remains an amateur organization contrary to some belief. This means that athletes are not allowed to receive compensation in any way for their athletic contributions to the institution (“Should the National Collegiate,” 2010, para. 43). Various athletes go to college under an athletic scholarship. These scholarships are awarded based on ones successes on the athletic field. This is essentially paying the athlete. The athlete must pay to go to college if an athletic scholarship is not given to them. Athletes receiving compensation for playing sports would entitle the college to terminate athletic scholarships that have been distributed (“Should the National Collegiate,” 2010, para. 39). College athletes would be getting paid; however, they would also have to pay to play at the
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