Examples Of Internal Conflict In Hamlet

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Hamlet and his Inner Conflicts Throughout Hamlet, the prince is faced with many important decisions, none more important than the one regarding King Claudius. Even though he reaches his ultimate goal of avenging the death of his father, Hamlet is only able to accomplish what he set out to do because of the dire circumstances that he is faced with. Hamlet is famed for his indecisiveness and his inability to act. This would reflect cowardice on his part, because he is reluctant to do what is right. This is especially true when Hamlet finally witnesses Claudius’s confession of the murder, as he is praying and asking for forgiveness. Hamlet is now finally free of any doubts. He is alone with Claudius in which was a golden opportunity for Hamlet to enact his revenge, but is unable to act. He justifies his unwillingness to kill Claudius, claiming that by killing him while he is praying will send him straight to heaven. Hamlet feels that Claudius must pay for what he has done, and the only way to do that is to make sure that his “heels kick at heaven” (3.3.94). Hamlet convinces himself not to kill Claudius at that moment, which reveals that he is not a man of action, but more a man of contemplation.…show more content…
His desire to be released from “this mortal coil” is brought about by his refusal to accept events as they have turned out, with his mother married to his uncle, and his uncle killing his father. He suggests that to commit suicide is an important action, which is why some might view this decision as a heroic one because he wants to pursue his own desires , released from the over thinking that cripples him throughout the play. However, most people would see it as an act of cowardice, as he does not want to face the circumstances he is currently

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