Why Are Veterans Important To History

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Veterans are important to our history because of what they have taught us and they are important to our future for what they can teach us. They teach us lessons and tell us stories from our history and to our future to inspire us and to come up with ways to prevent future events from happening. Although not all veterans were people some of them were animals such as horses, pigeons, dogs, and even cats. Veterans are very important to our country's history because of what they have either learned in the time of war or when helping others in the war. Throughout history we have went to many different wars be it our own wars or helping others in desperate need in time of war. So every time we sent our troops out to fight they are taught valuable…show more content…
They help us to prepare for war in the future by what they have learned about our familiar enemies by assuming what they might do or preparing for the tactics that enemy may use. They can help us for the future by figuring out how to fight and/or defeat new or unknown enemies by observing that enemy or learn about that enemy from other ally countries. They also help by showing us what are the best tactics to use when in combat or fighting, and which or what kind of technology is best used for fighting, stalling war and stopping war. They also help the war by showing us Americans how we can support in the war's efforts such as donating money or events to support that help the war. But we mustn't forget the animals that show support for the war to, they help us in donations, therapy animals help veterans through hard times such as PSTD, in our history animals have helped us in our war efforts and helped us make new technology for the future, along with new tactics that can be used in the future as…show more content…
Not everybody realizes what our animal veterans have done for our past and what they can do for future. Although very few animals are used today in military or in wars, they still have contributed a lot of effort into it. In the Civil War many horses were used for transportation of people, weapons and goods such as food, water and medicine. All though out history dogs have been used in many wars they were used to find enemy soldiers with their ears and noses, they would also sniff out bombs or poisonous gasses. In World War dog was found by a soldier and mean Corporal Robert Conroy, Conroy had developed a fondness for the dog so on aborting his ship Stumpy the dog came with him, in his military life Stumpy was taught to warn the soldiers if he smelled poisonous gas, he was able find local wounded soldiers in no man's land and since he was able to hear the whine of an incoming artillery shells he was able to let his unit know when to duck and cover and he was even taught how to identify the enemy by the langue. Furthermore in World War II we used carrier pigeons to send messages back and forth, from ally to ally but sadly many of small pigeons had lost their lives in the war. But those efforts were put to good use and save many humans lives and nowadays were able to send messages back-and-forth much easier with walkies-talkies and other such technology. During the Cold War, the
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