Veterans Day Research Paper

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When people think of the word veteran, most of them immediately think of men that have served in early wars that have shaped America such as World War 1, World War 2, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The meaning of a veteran is any length of time served in a military branch by an individual. A veteran of war is not just a person who has served in the past, but is serving for our country right now in the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force or Army. Have you ever considered the amount of bravery and strength the men and women of America must have to pursue a life in military combat? These dedicated people have and are risking their lives so that we may live ours freely. So why are veterans important to our nation's history and future?…show more content…
Whether that individual was a grandparent, parent, brother or sister, these are Americans that contain a love for our great Nation to serve proudly for it. As the end of World War 1 in 1918, in 1919 President Wilson declared November 11th as a day to honor with gratitude those who had served in War. Later in 1938, November 11th was known to be called Armistice day and was a legalized holiday. After World War 2 in 1945, this significant holiday was justified by Congress to be called Veterans Day. This day is still important in our generation to honor those family members and members of a community who have served or are serving presently in the military. Honoring veterans should not just be done one day a year; remembering the men and women who have risked their lives for you should be done…show more content…
Our veterans pay the price by putting their lives on the line because of the great love they share for America. Many sacrifices were made and will be made by past and future veterans who willingly gave their service for America. Men and women have left their homes, families, friends, and normal life behind for us to continue living our lives since the mid-1700s. Millions of lives have been lost in the past three-hundred years so that Americans may live freely today.The citizens of this Nation should be held responsible for giving our past, present, and future veterans the respect they deserve. Struggling from sacrifices, loss of fellow soldiers, and horrific scenes of war are all the more reason to respect the men and women of the past and future. These soldiers have to endure daily struggles of fighting for their lives or dealings with mental and physical issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder or severed

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