American Red Cross Vs Wounded Warrior Project

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Triston Lee Norris Martinez-Battle English 111 9-24-15 Non-profit Compare/Contrast Essay Non-profit organizations are a great help for many reasons. They collect donations from people as charity and use that money to help with the particular organization they are running. Organizations such as the American Red Cross and the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) are two well-known humanitarian organizations. Although they are both humanitarian they also are very different between whether their global vs. local, history, purpose, the types of people they serve, the services they provide, funding and even volunteer requirements. Most people ask whether or not if the organization is global or local so that they know if they are able to get involved with…show more content…
The American Red Cross’s purpose is to prevent and reduce suffering in the face of emergencies by rallying the power of volunteers and the lavishness of donors. (Mission & Principles) They take action so that all people affected by disaster across the U.S and around the world receive care, shelter and hope. Meanwhile the WWP’s purpose is to raise awareness of injured service members, help and aid injured service members, and provide special services to meet the needs of these members. (Mission) An important piece to finding out what an organization is all about is knowing who they actually service. As previously stated in paragraph 3 the American Red cross first started out assisting the war-injured after the Civil War and even the American and Spanish War. But currently the Red Cross is there to assist people suffering from a disaster throughout the world. Similar to the beginning of the American Red Cross the WWP serves veterans and service men that have sustained a physical or mental injury, or illness due to their service in the military on or after September 11, 2001 and their…show more content…
The Red Cross is funded by a charter granted by the U.S government. Although the Red Cross is in close relationship with the federal government they do not receive federal funding on a regular basis to carry out their services. (Our Federal Charter) They are also funded by various donations by the generosity of donors. They use these donations to help with buying supplies and mobilizing their volunteers. However the WWP is mostly funded by donations and throwing fundraisers. (Give Back) Supporters of the WP throw their own fundraisers and collect money, then give back to the

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