Social Work Fiduciary Model

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Jennifer Desmarais Ethical Issues in Organizations 10/2/14 Social Work, the Fiduciary Model, and the CSWA The importance of all objectivity within a variety of work places enforces the obligation of all professionals to not compromise professional judgment because of any conflict of interest, any bias, or the influences of outsiders. All professionals are subject to encounter situations that can create bias, conflicts of interest, and unnecessary influences, however the professional should refrain from performing their professional service if their judgment is impacted by these circumstances out of respect of the profession. Before one can discuss the objectivity of a field, it is important to know the description of the specific career…show more content…
The reputation of the social worker is often built on the opinion of the clients. More often than not, clinical social workers will face ethical dilemmas and seek the guidance of their code of ethics. While clinical social workers turn to their code of ethics for guidance, the answer might not always be clear. Circumstances that present very complex ethical dilemmas are when where social workers face some of the most complex ethical dilemmas are when similar ethical values are posed against one another and a clinical social worker must choose. As an example, if the clinical social worker feels that the client could pose a harm to themselves, or others, and feels that the safest place for the client is to be detained, they may have to breech confidentiality to protect the client. It is also important to remember that a clinical social workers job is to protect the client, and sometimes that means making a decision for the best interest of the client, even if the client disagrees. Another example would be breaking confidentiality for the best interest of a child at risk from a parent. If the clinical social worker feels the parent needs to be separated from the child, law enforcement must be contacted. A third example could be if a client tells the clinical social worker that they are in danger, but they tell the clinical social worker they are too afraid to get help. The moral dilemma at hand is that the clinical social worker works to protect the client, and if the client is in immediate danger but is too afraid to seek help, should the clinical social worker seek help for the client anyway? These types of issues create a barter for the social worker to determine the best course of action. A clinical social worker should seek the advice of their superior if they feel they are not equipped to make these decisions. Working in a field that could be life or

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