Why Are Food Stamps Bad

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You know when you use stamps to send mail right? Well you can use stamps for other things including food. Many people in America have to use food stamps because they are unable to afford to pay for the food themselves. It is very useful and has helped millions of Americans. Most Americans that use these are either in poverty or unable to work because of disabilities. The problem is the need for food stamps has grown dramatically over the past few decades. Many people in America are depending on the government for food stamps because the unemployment rate is growing and the food stamps are costing the government lots of money. There are many reasons the need for stamps are growing. One of them is that there was a market crash in 2009 that…show more content…
Since many people were either out of a job or not being paid as much, they relied heavily on the government until they could find another job. Unfortunately people weren’t able to get jobs very quickly because many businesses shut down. This then caused an even bigger problem because their was less jobs available. This is the biggest reason that food stamps have risen. The recession is still considered fairly recent, even though it was around six years ago. As time goes on hopefully the number of jobs will rise, and people who lost their jobs will continue to seek and find jobs that are financially good enough, so they will no longer need to continue using food stamps and can take care of themselves and their…show more content…
One of the reasons that they had to do this was because of the recession. The poverty level rose when this happened so the food stamp program had to accommodate for all of the people who needed the food stamps. In 2016 though, the government is going to change what is needed to be eligible and they are going to raise the amount you must be making in order to qualify. This could be a very good thing, because less people will be on food stamps, which will save the government money and the SNAP program would be able to help the people who need food stamps even
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