Dante's Inferno: A Literary Analysis

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“The savage Cerberus, a monster drear, Howls from his threefold throat with canine cries Howls from his threefold throat with canine cries” (14)There is a guardian of this level, its name is Cerberus. What Dante says it has three throats and likes to eat the souls. Some people who have only one mouth are very greedy, let alone he has three mouths. In the ancient Greek and Roman literature, it is watchdog for Hades, if the passengers forget to bribe it, it’s gonna eat them. Dante sets this penalty for all sinner intentionally, because Gluttonous people getting eaten after they die is ridiculous and absurd. Also, Cerberus’s role reflects the sin of this circle, and that’s also why he is particularly fitting. Additionally, some readers think…show more content…
At this point, we can know some things these three spaces are same. Therefore, people cannot go the heaven, because they don’t have enough experiences. What Dante mentions, except for first one, all have a common trait that is indulging self. All sinners indulge the control to sex, to food, to money and to emotions, which means that they don’t have good characters or personalities. Comparing to Violence and Fraud, sins are not much severe, and thus, they are put outside of…show more content…
The sinners in Dis are suffering, they look like charcoal that just comes from the fire. It explains that this space’s differences. Dante says, “As thou discernest in this lower hell.” (75) What he mentioned is current, this city divide Hell into two big structures: “lower” and “upper,” or “outside” and “inside,” then lower hell begins with this part of hell, and things start being serious. As a iron city, dante also gets trouble at this space, Dante can’t continue his route very successfully at this time, he can’t get into Dis. Maybe this city is so important, so it is protected very well. Finally, the envoy that is from the heaven helps him. Therefore, people want to join the heaven after they die, they may need a helper, a guider, and they need to be fortunate sometimes. The outsider part is constituted by Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, and the people who are in the Dis are all the offender who get the most rigorous and stringent

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