Japanese Internment Camps Research Paper

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After the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, people remained paranoid of many Japanese Americans. A year later on February 19, 1942 President Franklin Roosevelt signed an executive order changing the lives of many Japanese Americans. The order eventually led to an assembly, evacuation, and a relocation of 122,000 women, children, and men. So many families were destroyed and were spilt up. They went through many horrible experiences in the camps. A lot of Japanese Americans had piece their lives back together because they were targeted. Japanese Americans went through camps that changed their lives. What was the Japanese Americans crime? Their crime was being part of the Japanese ancestry. Americans believed that they were loyal to their ancestral land. A lot of Americans have called Japanese Americans, "Aliens" because they were not of their land. Examples of signs that were around neighborhoods said, "JAPANESE KEEP OUT YOU ARE NOT WANTED." Another example of a sign said, "JAPANESE KEEP MOVING THIS IS WHITE MAN'S NEIGHBORHOOD" These are examples of signs on just one house. Why did the Japanese American internment even happen? The Japanese Internment was a year after Pearl Harbor. So, this draws up a conclusion that many Americans were maybe…show more content…
The Japanese Americans did not have the easy life anywhere in the camps nor their lives. It was even hard for the Japanese Americans to leave their homes and move to a different place and live there for three years. The camps provided schools, so the young can still be educated. The Japanese Americans didn't have a whole different life in camps it was more like a community in barbed wires, but everyone seemed depressed. Many historians believe that it did not high security, but it was influenced through race and economic envy of Japanese American
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