Western Animation History

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The world of animation is stretched out far and wide, from a country to another; each holds different aspects and views even the contents of its animation, for instance, the difference of Western and Eastern European animation. In the Western European hemisphere, which concludes Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Denmark, the art and movement of animation began mostly in the late 1900’s. The history of Western Europe animation has gone through several stages of development and influenced heavily by political and economic issues, cultural difference and factors even different agendas of industrial relationships. In the early ages of its animation, they mostly look up to Disney in which how it focused on feature films for children.…show more content…
Free market economy means that the government does not interfere in business activity and has no power over how a business may run day to day. Because of this, the production of animation and short films were detested and not encouraged for only a few artists were able to make it work and build a profitable career in animation. Despite all of this, Western European animation contributed heavily to the development and promoting animation worldwide, even turning it into a cultural phenomenon later in time. Its animation started to get recognition and the acceptance of people, even the production of the medium increased and among that some of the most influenced animation works were…show more content…
For the first fifteen years after the World War II, most of the animated medium was created mainly for children with the hold of moral contents and more civic oriented themes. Almost in all Eastern European countries, the cinemas were state funded depended on the political leadership as it will cover all areas of the production, exhibitions, rental and even theatre management. In Eastern European cinematography, most of the medium was based on old songs and folklores, ageless traditions, handed-down legends and tales, quite different than the inspirations and muse of what the Western European had. These inspirations found its way in through sources in graphics, illustrations, satirical and comic

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