Thesis About The Green March

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TENDED ESSAY : Thesis : A peaceful march was smart strategy from the king Hassan II, the call for volunteers from the local population, ordinary citizens to walk in a march called the green march by the locals and recognized by the world under this name, and by the country of the western Sahara the BLACK march, it was of a paramount importance for territorial integrity of the country of Morocco, in order to bring back the colonized Sahara. But yet not efficient, because even if Spain was forced to leave the land (under the pression of the green march), another conflict is created, and which is a big issue that the Moroccan kingdom is facing. The western Sahara. III. Explanation of the research question A march is defined as to walk steadily…show more content… A European carve-up: 1900-1912 In 1900, a secret agreement has been made to assign Morocco to France. Same arrangements have been made between Spain and France to divide the territory, also Britain allowing France the freedom of action in the Kingdom of Morocco. Even if these arrangements are being made, Morocco is still ostensibly an independent country ruled by its own Alaouite dynasty of sultans. However, by 1912 the sultan is powerless to resist, he signs the treaty of Fès, accepting a French protectorate over his entire country, except some regions as the French may themselves decide to allocate to Spain. The colonial decades: 1912-1956 The french and Spanish colonies. These colonies became official in the country, and they started ruling formally a new African protectorate for 44 years, from 1912, until the Moroccans gained their independence in 1956 thanks to the king Mohamed 5th. An African kingdom: from1956

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