Water Pollution Analysis

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water quality. Due to unscientific way of dumping of solid waste, pollutants are being added to the ground water system through human activities and natural processes. Solid waste from industrial units is being dumped near the factories, which is subjected to reaction with percolating rain water and reaches the groundwater level. The percolating water picks up a large amount of dissolved constituents and reaches the aquifer system and contaminates the groundwater. Ambajogai city has selected in the present study. All the samplings and analysis work carried out as per APHA method of analysis. Introduction Ambajogai region of Beed district is classified as hard rock area where surface water resources are limited, with the result, groundwater…show more content…
Due to various ecological factors either natural or anthropogenic, the ground water is getting polluted because of deep percolation from intensively cultivated fields, disposal of hazardous wastes, liquid and solid wastes from industries and sewage disposal. Changes in groundwater quality are due to rockwater interaction and oxidation – reduction reactions during the percolation of water through aquifers.In the agriculture sector, large quantities of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides used to enhance the crop field, on leaching enter the aquifer thereby polluting the groundwater. In many areas, overuse of irrigation water and chemical fertilisers besides monoculture type of cropping pattern have started which depleting and deteriorating water as well as soil quality. Several studies on groundwater quality with respect to irrigation purposes have been carried out in the different parts of the country. Several researchers have carried out an extensive work on groundwater quality for various purposes. The physic – chemical parameters of Groundwater from Ambajogai city were studied. The samples were as…show more content…
1. Instrumental method 2. Colorimetric method Instrumental Method:In this method, pH meter is used. pH is measured by inserting pH meter into the water sample. Kept it in the water for getting the stable reading. Colourometric Method:In this method, we use pH paper. pH is measured by inserting pH paper into the water sample and by comparing with standard pH colour chart pH of the water is noted. 2.3.2 Chloride:The Chloride contents, especially of sodium chloride or salt, are worked out for sample. The excess presence of sodium chloride indicates pollution of water due to sewage, minerals. Determination of Chloride: Silver Nitrate when added to neutral or slightly alkaline solution containing chlorides quantitatively precipitation chlorides as AgCl. Procedure: 1. Take a 100 ml of sample and adjust pH between 7 to 10 using 1N NaOH. 2. Add two or three drops of potassium chromate solution to the sample. 3. Titrate with AgNO3 till brick red colour appears. 4. Carry out blank using 100 ml distilled water calculation: Chloride mg/l = (A - B) x N x (35450 )/(ml of sample)

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