Duckweed Lab Report

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Introduction: The aims of this experiment are, firstly, to investigate the ability of duckweed (Lemna minor) to remove nitrate pollution from water and thus act as an organic and inexpensive way of combating eutrophication in water sources. Secondly, the relationship between nitrate concentration and rate of removal of nitrates by duckweed shall also be investigated. The duckweed is expected to absorb the nitrates as it grows and therefore lower the levels of nitrates in the water. In addition to this, the higher the concentration of nitrates, the faster the duckweed will grow, thus resulting in a higher rate of removal. The primary source of nitrate pollution is fertilisers that, due to either human intervention or rain, can wash into bodies of water, causing these water sources to become saturated with…show more content…
Fill a single tray with 500ml of the borehole water. 2. Using a single Tetra 6in1 strip and the instructions included, test the chlorine content of the water. If void, proceed to step 4. 3. If chlorine is present or tap water is to be used, fill a bucket with 2.5 litres of the water and add 1ml of Tetra antichlorinator. 4. Using the measuring cup, add 500ml of the purified water to each of the 5 trays. 5. Label the trays A, B, C, D, E respectively using the permanent marker. 6. Using a syringe, measure 1ml of nitrate plant food and place it in cup A, then measure 1.3ml of nitrate plant food and place it in tray B, 1.6ml in both tray C and D and 1.9ml in tray E. 7. Allow a single day for the nitrates to settle. 8. Add a single teaspoon of duckweed fronds to each of the trays, excepting tray C - which shall act as a control. 9. Place all the trays side by side in the same area with adequate sunlight in order to ensure standardised conditions and eliminate potential

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