Advantages Of Brick Aggregate

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The changing socio-economic climate around the world and its ruthless effect in the ambient atmosphere and the lives of human being has motivated the owners, engineers and general contractors to think beyond the norm and the growing demand for sustainable construction has boosted the installation of performance based construction features such as porous concrete due to its overall beneficial aspects. In search of an alternate pavement material, brick aggregate is chosen in this study as a marginal aggregate due to the shortage of stone aggregate in the state of Tripura. This study mainly emphasises the development of a new methodology of pervious concrete mix using brick as aggregate. Various mix proportions are attempted and their effects…show more content…
The states of north-eastern part of India have very limited source of stone aggregate which is not enough to cater the states’ demand and hence aggregate needs to be imported from other states, which ultimately increase the cost of construction. This inordinate shortage of natural stones and the excessive cost of the imported natural stones have accelerated the necessity of finding out locally available materials. The road developers are therefore looking forward to an alternative material which is environment-friendly, energy efficient and cost effective for the construction and maintenance of roads. Brick aggregates, therefore, may be the best alternative here as it is easier and economical to produce by burning earth to desired forms. Thus, brick aggregate plays a great role in pavement construction in these states due to the scarcity and high price of stone aggregate. In Tripura, brick aggregate is regularly used for base and sub-base preparation; but the use of brick in the surface course is not so commuon. During the manufacture of bricks, almost 13% bricks get wasted due to their distorted shape (Mazumder et al., 2006). So, an attempt is taken to use these wasted bricks as an alternative to stone aggregates so as to minimize the wastage of brick and consumption of stone…show more content…
The continuous growth of population and urbanization has been leading to the high development of the infrastructure and road networks and subsequently leading to progressive soil water proofing due to the construction of impermeable pavements (Nguyen et al., 2010). This impervious nature of conventional pavements results in downstream flooding, unwarranted flash floods and bank erosion, thereby causing structural deterioration and efficacy of pavements (Scholz & Grabowiecki, 2007; Joshaghani et al., 2015). That is why, the developers are looking forward for an innovative and new design strategy. All these concerns triggered the development and subsequent evolution of pervious pavements which is considered as one of the sustainable features which are attributed to restore natural infiltration of storm water, especially in urban and sub-urban areas. Thus permeable concrete pavement plays a substantial role in storm water management and as a pavement engineer’s viewpoint; reduced amount of runoff may improve the level of road safety. Adequate water infiltration through porous medium can also replace ineffective and inefficient sewer facilities and help in shifting the traditional ‘end-of-pipe’ drainage to a sustainable drainage system called Green Infrastructure (GI) thus reducing the first flush and increaseing the structural durability

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