River Aesthetic Value

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To determine the aesthetic value of a river, there are several parameters that we need to observe. Firstly, look at the transparency of the river water. Transparency is the measure of the depth of light that can penetrate into the water (What is water transparency?, n.d.). It depends on the amount of particle scattering in the water, such as algae and sediment. The lower the turbidity of the water (the higher the transparency), the higher the aesthetic value of the river. High turbidity of water causes by particulate matter can reduce the aesthetic value of the river because it can impact on recreation and tourism (Agency, 2008). Less number of tourists will come to a place with low aesthetic value, and hence give impact on economic resource…show more content…
Oil will form a thin film on the surface of the water. Some oil which are volatile will give rise to odors and hence will reduce the aesthetic value of the river (Aesthetic issues). The presence of oil layer on the surface will cause some aquatic organisms to die because they cannot get adequate amount of oxygen. Detergents in river water can cause huge problems to aquatic organisms. Detergents can destroy mucus layers that protect fish from bacteria and parasites, and can damage the gills of the fish (Detergents occurring in freshwater, n.d.). Detergents also will reduce the breeding ability of the aquatic organisms in the river. Besides, detergents will reduce surface tension of water and increases the probability of organic chemicals to be absorbed by the aquatic organisms (Detergents occurring in freshwater,…show more content…
Ammonia in water also known as ammoniacal-nitrogen because it is in gaseous form and in dissolved form (Leachate water pollution, n.d.). Ammoniacal-nitrogen is the hardest metals to be removed and the most damaging for the river. In normal sewage, it is present at between 10 ppm to 50 ppm. But in landfill leachate, it is present at higher range, which is between 500 ppm to 3000 ppm (Leachate water pollution, n.d.). High concentration of ammoniacal-nitrogen can increase the pH of the river and eventually, the fishes will die. In order to neutralize the river, we need to dilute the river at least 10 to 100 times. Only then, water in the river are safe for the aquatic organisms to

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