Essay On Fresh Water

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Introduction Demand of fresh water in the world is increasing with growing population. In India alone the availability on per capita basis has declined since 1947.¬[1] Ever since the stroke of development, water has become one of the most affected resource all over the world. Fresh water is required in all the sectors known to mankind for survival and development. Industrial, Urban as well as Rural sections of the society seek fresh water. Many government and non-government organizations have been working towards the concern. In India, every level of the society now observes water quality monitoring as an important part because of government initiatives since 2000.[2] Extensive use of water has evoked the issue of healthcare, sanity and cleanliness. Over exploitation is one of the key factors to water pollution along with industrial waste, sewage, agricultural run-off, flood, and drought. The deaths caused by waterborne diseases have escalated. Diarrhoea and cholera are one of the known waterborne diseases that could be fatal.[3] With growing research, Nanotechnology has emerged as one of the most promising scientific field that could have the answers to the piling up questions regarding availability of clean drinking water. Nanoproducts like Metal nanoparticles, Metal oxide…show more content…
0.21gms of Silver Nitrate was dissolved in 2.3ml of Ammonia (NH3) from Qualikems Fine Chem Pvt Lmt. This solution was further diluted in 50ml of distilled water. 3.5ml of 0.8g/L concentration of GO was taken and added to the solution. This solution was vigorously stirred for about 30minutes. After the stirring, 1.5ml of concentrated Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) was added to the solution under intense stirring for 24hours. 50ml of Ethanol from Chinachangshu Yangyuan Chemicals 99.9 was added to it and was irradiated (ʎ > 400nm). Later the solution was centrifuged and the pellet was collected, after drying, in an
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