Valley Forge: Would You Have Quit?

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Valley Forge: Would You Have Quit? If I was in the Battle of Valley Forge in the winter of 1777 and 1778 I myself would not have quit because if everyone one was leaving and dying in the battlefield. And if everyone had left or died who is the other team going to fight there can't be a war without people on the other team to fight my team and that would mean we would have lost the battle and that could mean that things might not be what they are today. If I left the war then I would be one of the many people that have left and I would not want to be one of the many people that have left the war to be with their families because if we have lost the war we would not be what we have become today and if everyone have left the army then there would be no battle to fight and we would not have a reason to even go back home to our families because they could’ve killed our family's off if we showed that were weak and could not fight against them during the Battle of Valley Forge.…show more content…
And yeah they did there is also many reason why to quit but they were all solved or overcome and that's is just one of the many reasons why I would not have quit during the Battle of Valley

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