Examples Of Valley Forge Would You Have Quit

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Valley Forge: Would You Have Quit? If I was a soldier for George Washington and the Continental Army I would have quit. I think that Valley Forge was just too hard, harsh and too much to go through and at the same time we had to fight in the war. One reason that I would had quit was because it was winter season and we did not have so much to eat, we sometimes starved. We did not have so much to eat because we did not pay for the food as much as the British pay. The British paid 27 shillings for butter (one pound), potatoes (one bushel), and veal (one pound). While we paid 14 shillings for butter (one pound), potatoes (one bushel), and veal (one pound). So the salesmans did not come to us and give us food, they gave the food to the British

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