Two Wheelers Case Study

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TABLE OF CONTENTS SL. NO CHAPTERS PAGE NO EXICUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1 INRODUCTION 1.1 Need of the study 1.2 Objectives of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Literature review 1.5 Methodology of the stud 1.6 Limitations of study 2-6 2 INDUSTRY AND COMPANY PROFILE 2.0 Industry profile 2.1 History 2.2 Types of two wheelers in india 2.3 Motor cycles in india 2.4 Evolution of two wheelers 2.5 Growth perspective 2.6 Company profile history 2.7 Vision and Values 2.8 Corporate philosophy 2.9 Technologies of Honda 2.10 Environmental Responsibility 2.11 Board of directors 2.12 Awards and Recognition 2.13 Product profile 2.14 SWOT analysis 7-37 3 THEORECICAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 38-51 4 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 52-69 5 FINDINGS, SUGGETIONS AND CONCLUSION 70-72 BIBILOGRAPHY ANNEXURE LIST OF TABLE SL. NO PARTICULARS…show more content…
The foundation stone for the factory was laid on 14th December 1999. The factory was completed in January 2001. The initial installed capacity was 100,000 scooters per year, which has reached 6,00,000 scooters by the year by 2007 and motor cycle shall be 4,00,000 per annum. The total investment outlay for the initial capacity was Rs.215 crores and now the accumulated investment is 800 crores. Total investment outlay for the initial capacity was Rs. 215crores and now the accumulated investment is 800 crores. The company employs 131,600 people and reported revenues of $78.2 billion in 2004.Honda makes more compact, fuel-efficient personal vehicles than most others in the car industry. Japanese car companies are leaps and bounds ahead of American companies in increasing fuel efficiency, and Honda further proved this by scoring a 62 out of 100 (second only to Toyota) in a 2006 CERES report on corporate response to climate

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