Fundamentalism Islam In Indonesia

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"A set of social relations deliberately created, with the explicit intention of continuously accomplishing some specific goals or purposes" (Stinchcombe, in J.March, ed., Handbook of Organizations, 1964, p.142.). Organizations formed by the group of people who have the same goal. but in a national scale, an organization within the reach of the national goal in realizing the state change in the version of it? isn't there already a Government that set them up. Islamic organizations in Indonesia in existence today can not be separated from what the notion of fundamentalism, my view of the current Islamic organization, the Islamic organization in Indonesia, the state of the Islamic organization in Indonesia today, the characteristics of fundamentalism…show more content…
With most religions, Islam finally have an enormous influence in every society and country life. In development Similarly, Islam variations appear along with the use of culture as a means of distribution. Process development go hand in hand with the development of culture can not be avoided along with the modernization process. Often processes led to the development of Islam in the public discourse of conflict and the fight to be able to compete for influence in the spread of the idea of Islam as diverse variations. This process also which has given rise to religious organizations among Muslims in…show more content…
For the fundamentalists, pluralism is the product of a misguided understanding of sacred texts. The understanding and attitude that is not aligned with the views of the fndamentalis is a form of religious relativism, which primarily arises not only because of the intervention logic of the text of Scripture, but also due to the social development of the community which have been released from the control of religion Third, they monopolize the truth of religious interpretation. Fundamentalists tend to think of themselves as the most correct interpreter that looked misguided streams that do not agree with them. In the realm of Islam difference is a common interpretation, so it is known to many scholars. 4 schools of the biggest in Indonesia is Ikhwanul Muslimin, Salafi atau Wahabi, Hizbut Tahrir, and habib. Religious attitudes like these can potentially give birth to violence. On the pretext of religion, in the name of defending Islam, on behalf of the Lord they do acts of violence, destruction, assault, and even murder And the last every movement of fundamentalism can almost always be linked to fanaticism, eksklusifisme, intolerant, radicalism, and militanisme. The fundamentalism always takes the form of resistance which is often radical nature of teradap the threat that is endangering the existence of the

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