Customer Satisfaction In Mahindra

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I do hereby declare that the Semester Internship program title A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH SPECIAL REFRENCE TO MAHINDRA AND MAHINDRA is a record of bonafide work done by me under the supervision of Mr. Aditya Kumar Gupta , Faculty Guide and submitted to Amity University Uttar Pradesh ,Noida (AIBS) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration.. Tarang Kansal Acknowledgement Any task that is under taken reaches successful completion not only by an Individuals effort but also by the guidance and support of many others. Here are we to acknowledge a few of those who have helped us to carry out this project work successfully.…show more content…
From the data collected, numerous aspects were known wherever the corporate must focus additional to enhance the potency of promoting team of Mahindra Automotives. The analysis was conducted through assortment of primary and secondary knowledge. Secondary knowledge was collected through visiting numerous websites, automobile magazines and alternative reliable sources. Primary knowledge was collected through a well-framed form, of that later a close analysis was done victimization numerous applied mathematics I.T. tools like MS Word and other. On the premise, the secondary knowledge analysis and therefore the intensive analysis of the first knowledge, interpretations were drawn for the queries and conclusion is drawn. bound suggestions are drawn from the analysis to assist. Mahindra Automotives to extend its market share in business traveler phase and MPVs. The main analysis that followed is to grasp “Customer satisfaction towards Mahindra and Mahindra SUV. Due to the restricted resources and time constraints, the study was conducted inside the Meerut ( Uttar…show more content…
The role of presales falls right in the middle marrying the customer needs to the (provider) company's services or products. This role is especially crucial in these industries because the products and services are often heavily customizable and also because the requirements of different customers are often unique. The presales professional thus understands what the customer needs, develops an initial view of the solution the customer needs, then tailors the product or service of his company to meet what the customer needs, explains (or helps sell) this solution to the customer, helps close the deal or sale and often stays on to ensure that the delivery team or product specialists that follow him provide the intended solution. Areas of specialty of Presales

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