Two Major Theories In Behaviorism

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Introduction The idea of all behavior is acquired through conditioning is known as behaviourism or behavioural psychology. In this theory, people believe that conditions occurs through interaction with environment and behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner with no consideration of internal mental state. The aim of this assignment is explain two major theories in behaviourism and explain how it can be applied in real world teaching. Therefor classical conditioning and operant conditioning will be talk in depth with subheadings. First of all we should know what is learning before having a look on two types of conditioning. Any relatively permanent change is behavior brought about by experience or practice is known…show more content…
So that the behavior is very much related to the consequences after attempting to the behavior. The father of operant conditioning is the behaviorist B.F. Skinner. He had proven operant conditioned happens on animals. When a lab rat presses a blue button it receives its food but when it presses a red button it receives an electric shock. So that it learned to press blue button and avoid red button. Cherry, K. A. (2005). Skinner was more interested in how the consequences of people’s action influenced their behavior. Reinforcement Actions that are followed by the reinforcement will be strengthened and more likely to occur again in the future. Cherry, K. A. (2005). There are two major categories of reinforcements which are primary reinforcement and secondary reinforcement. Primary reinforcement is that occurs naturally and does not need learning in order to work. Secondary reinforcement or conditioned reinforcement involves stimuli that have become rewarding by being paired with another reinforcing stimulus. In operant conditioning there are two types of reinforcement. They are positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive…show more content…
There are two types of punishment, positive punishment and negative punishment. Positive punishment is addition of something which causes the decrease in repeating the behavior that was displayed. For an example when a child comes to the class with an incomplete work teacher makes the child to wait and finish the work. So that child would not come with an incomplete work. On the other hand negative punishment is removing something in order to make the behavior normal. For an example when a child come with an incomplete work, teacher can give all finished their works a star. So that the child will finish his works to get a
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