Five Approaches To Psychology

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In this paper will be analyzed the five major approaches in psychology. These perspectives have developed different theories for human/animals mind and behavior. Also, will be discussed the differences of these perspectives and the field they serve. To begin with a brief history in order to be understood the origins of psychology. The ancient Greek philosophers were considering about psychological issues. Hippocrates (400 BC) consider a relationship between personality and body. Aristotle connected the soul with the body (Barker, 2003). After centuries, Rene Descartes in 1650, believed that mind and body interact and influence each other. Almost forty years later, John Locke claimed that a newborn mind is tabula rasa, a blank slate and everything…show more content…
The world ''psychology'' comes from the Greek words ''psyche'' meaning life, and ''logos'', meaning explanation (Stangor, 2011). Also, in modern psychology, is defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes of humans and animals, in order to understand why living being behave as they do (Glassman & Hadad, 2004). The first perspective is biological and explains the mental processes of human/animals behavior by emphasizing on the function of central and peripheral nervous system, especially the brain, which affect the way they think, feel and behave. It is the only perspective that research on feelings and behavior from a biological and a physical aspect. The two basic priority are the nervous system functions and the role of heredity in behavior (Glassman & Hadad,…show more content…
Also he consisted three components of personality, the ego, id and superego. He used an iceberg to these three levels. Conscious and ego have the most underlying influence on human behavior, it is on the tip of the iceberg and a small amount of it is visible, that is humans observable behavior. The preconscious and superego are under the surface of water. The unconscious and id are under the water. The last one represent the sexual and aggressive urges that conflict with the requirements of society and morality. Id exists entirely in the unconscious and can be consider as the hidden true and desires. Works on the pleasure principle by avoiding pain and receive instant gratification (Barker,
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