Suits Movie Analysis

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Introduction This movie review is about an American drama series Suits which is basically about law. The series premiered in 23 June 2011. The main actors: Gabriel Macht plays as Harvey Specter,Patrick J Adams Michael Ross, Meghan Markle as Rachael Zane,Sarra Rafferty as Donna Paulsen, Rick Hoffman as Louis Litt and Gina Torres as Jessica Pearson. And from my character analysis; Harvey is a well known lawyer and is the heart of their firm as he is the best closer in the industry. In the beginning he is assigned to recruit an associate. He chose Michael Ross who is the best man for the job as he was searching for another Harvey Specter. Michael Ross mainly knwon as Mike Ross is a collage drop out who is beyond the word smart as he has a outstanding photographic memory. Mike always wanted to be lawyer but was expelled from his collage and begun doing illegal deeds such as writing exams on other peoples behalves, this was all before he was recruited and he was also smokes weed and is in love with Rachael Zane. Rachael Zane is a paralegal who anxiously wants to become a lawyer. She is from a very rich family but does not depend on…show more content…
The manager/leader will engage to this management style to whatever is required in a specific situation. In the episode it first comes into evidence when Harvey used the laissez-faire style; were a manager/leader believes that he/she should not interfere in the process of carrying out a task, when he told Mike to go and file a patent for the satellite phone. Where he did not help him and left him to carry out the task on his own without interference. The scenes at after the court were Harvey was fined 1000 dollars for failing to follow the poster rules and after the private talk with the judge was also another scene of the laissez-faire style when Harvey told Mike to file an interference claim at the patent

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