Top Glove Case Study

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OPERATION OF THE PROPOSED BUSINESS Organization  The type of ownership for Top Glove Corporation exporting is the easiest, most cost effective and most commonly used method of entering a new international market.  It can help to increase sales because the organization can extend its target market for their product to prove their popularity at the domestic level.  This will add more sales and create brand awareness by just a small advertisement people will know about the product.  Berhad is the limited company that is Berhad.  Type of ownership Top glove is corporation limited liability company.  This is because top glove listed company on Bursa Malaysia. MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY  Top glove export their medical glove at South Africa…show more content…
Marketing objective On 14 June 2009, Top Glove Foundation (“TG Foundation”), was officially launched with the objective of providing funds for the purpose of charity, education and activities related to environment and community. • The main objectives of TG Foundation are as follows: • To provide funding for charitable purposes especially for the needy community through donations, sponsorships and other means. • To provide funding for educational purpose by giving out scholarships, advancement of education and other educational related funding. • To carry out other activities -in relation to the environment and community- that are allowed under the legislative provision of the government of Malaysia. The founders of TG Foundation were Top Glove Sdn Bhd , Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai and Puan Sri Tong Siew Bee. • The founders of TG Foundation were Top Glove Sdn Bhd , Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai and Puan Sri Tong Siew Bee. • They collectively donated RM1 million to the Foundation as a start. Since then several companies and individuals had also donated to the fund, thus enabling the Foundation to support and help even more…show more content…
Franchising is common in the service sector for example, hotels, car rental companies and restaurant chains. Franchising can be a low-cost, low-risk entry mode that allows for rapid geographic expansion. However, if expansion is too rapid, franchisors can loose organizational flexibility. Intangible property and assistance are usually provided to franchisees over an extended time and the franchisee pays fees or royalties. Franchising is a network of interdependent business relationship that allows a numbers of people to share :  A brand identification  A successful method of doing business  A proven manufacturing and distribution system • Transportation selection by sea freight • Distribution strategy After been keep and processing from cape town custom , the product will be distributed to franchisee store located at cape town , Gauteng and kwaZulu Natal at south

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