Women In Horror Films

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I am going to explore how females are represented in horror films. The representation of females and males has changed dramatically in society and in horror films. However, traditionally women in general are represented as the damsel in distress. Stereotypically they are playing the weaker role and are in instantaneous danger and attacked by the serial killer. The first text in which I am going to study is the representation of women in the movie called Resident Evil Retribution 2012; I have chosen this as it shows a different view on the characteristic of a typical woman in horror films. The second text in which I am going to study is the representation of women in the 1978 film Halloween. This film shows weak and victimised women who are…show more content…
Throughout the research I have found that it is usually the case that women are represented in horror films as being attacked by the executioner. However, there are female characters playing the role of a villain. This role is infrequent for a female character. Traditionally the women are represented as the sufferers and the men represented as the antagonist. However, we still live in a patriarchal society were stereotyping as, well, as labelling still occurs. They are defined how men see them and how society expects them to look and behave. This was how women were primarily treated before women had equal rights to men. The women are now more valued in society and shown respect. However, women are still highly seen as objects predominantly by men. This is because it is a huge selling…show more content…
This would not be acceptable if there were no scenes as this is what is stereotypically expected. The film Resident Evil 2002 shows that women are given huge amount of power and are represented as strong and who the viewers can aspire to guise up to. As, a, result this is due to the changing of society women are now represented as superior. I have found out that the representation of females is still negative this is because we live in a patriarchal society. Therefore, we would expected the dominance of males. Although, there are some movies, which show the power and independence of females. It does suggest that over the years that more females will have a stronger
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