Theory Of Brand Personality

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The diversified market has opened up the gate for more tactical and strategic way of branding with the competition that prevails on the current market. The competitiveness in the market was described by Joy & Sherry (2003, cited in Ching-Jui, et al., 2013, p. 248) as “Today’s marketplace has undergone a substantial change; we have gone from selling and promoting products and services to selling and enticing customers via experiences” which elaborates the new era of marketing and branding to perform sales in the current market. Among the competition, a brand holds a significant place in the consumers mind. it is confirmed that the old concept of branding which was there only to identify the product are being converted in to a relation brand…show more content…
347) which sates “Associating the specific personality features to the brands allows the consumer to express a certain conception of himself, so as to acquire some value-enhancing, symbolic benefits from a given consumption.” The relationship among the brand and the consumer was built on several emotional and behavioural characteristics which are being attributed to the brand that are being associated by the…show more content…
A brand personality is something to which the consumer can relate, and a viable brand will expand its brand equity by having a consistent set of traits. This is the included quality that a brand picks up, beside its useful advantages. Methodology When measuring the brand equity, one of the most vital factors that are being considered is the brand personality. There are several methods that are being adopted in calculating this aspect. According to Ambroise et al., (2004 cited in Achouri & Bouslama, 2010) shows that “all the existing scales for measuring brand personality have been elaborated from human personality measurement scales.” The first theoretical model for brand personality by considering the numbers and the nature of its dimensions was proposed by Aaker (1997). Ambroise, (2004 cited in Achouri & Bouslama, 2010) has commented on the Aakers proposal by helping the argument sayn that “This model relies on a hierarchical approach similar to those developed in personality

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